The Two of Cups represents an emotional bond, a love that feeds. We seek deep connection from the moment we are born, and we will always seek this connection. Look deeply into the two eyes of a soul, and you will see a well that is deep with feeling and experience.
Notice the clouds nourishing the earth with moisture as mothers would feed infant, and the resulting smell, like she’s warm as a newborn with her rain milk wafting. This Two is emotional harmony, a dance, and a capsule for the heart to experience little ecstasies.
Breasts and clouds like pillows filled with sweet, nourishing life to flourishing. This connection can be found nearly anywhere because it is an omnipresent possibility. The Minor Arcana are smaller in grandiosity but not smaller in meaning. Lacking the intensity of the Major Lovers #6, the Two of Cups is the love we must exude every day. It is the opening we must offer; the small sacrifices in protection for a chance at golden moments.
What connection feeds you the most in this moment? (This day? This week? Stay small.)
Who are you feeding for the sheer joy of it?
Where is your heart right now?
How can the earth benefit from your nourishment?
Check out my other deck, the Dark Days Tarot deck, here.