The Three of Cups in the Mother Tarot Deck portrays the essence of togetherness, fun, play, and happiness on an everyday scale. This card also serves as a reminder that love abundance is as much a mindset as it is happenstance.
These three mer-beings represent any number of harmonious relationship connections. Aunties, uncles, parents, family friends, friendships, spouses, boyfriends, they-friends, girlfriends, adopted family, daughters, sons, nieces, nephews, grandparents, teachers, guides, buddies, spirits, etc. may be brought to mind via this image.
When this Three appears, nurture and appreciate the good fortune in your current relationships. Find ways to celebrate them often, for they are worth their weight in diamonds. In answer to your query, this card is a positive omen.
Check out its sister deck, the Dark Days Tarot here.