Hello! My name is Wren and I am the illustrator and creator of the Dark Days Tarot deck. Read on for more little-known facts about myself and how this deck came to be:

I Fell in Love the Moon
This deck was inspired by my muse, the moon. She urges me to tune in and trust my instincts like no other influence I know. I honor her push and pull with this deck.
When I discovered that earthly beings flow with or against her currents, which are expansive at times and reflective at others, I felt profoundly freed and have been in love with her ever since.

Self-Care Led to Practicing Magic
It was trauma that led me to study the craft. A significant breakup and sexual trauma triggered health issues which led me to study herbal health. This led to the study of paganism and natural magic. I’d collected these things since childhood but hadn’t understood why until I read about witches.

The City of Angels Taught Me Magic
I moved to LA to study fashion in 2010. That’s how I met my wife Schquay Brignac, owner of the on-pause brand, Studs Clothing.
I began working with Tarot deck on a daily basis. My altar went up on our back deck. Magic was something I discovered about myself.
My fashion illustration teacher taught me to drawing with magical intention. Her fingers became wands and her posture very confident as she penned gorgeous illustrations.

Dark Days Began as a Chocolate Company
When we moved to Seattle, I got the wild idea to wrap illustrations around chocolate bars. The treats, which evolved into coconut-filled moon patties, were infused with dark moon-inspired supportive herbs. They were meant to heal from within, and were lovingly known as Dark Days Moon Patties.
Illustration became less of a priority as the chocolate business progressed. After many hours of patty production in less-than-appealing commercial kitchens, I learned that I was not my best self in the role of chocolatier. I also found that starting a confection business from the ground up would require me to spend much of my time in this role. I would have to pivot.
I Began the Dark Days Tarot Deck During Mercury Retrograde
I knew that my customers were inspired by the lunar connection that Dark Days Moon Patties provided. During one rather emotional mercury retrograde period I was huffing and puffing over having to make chocolate patties when I decided to chill out with my drawing pad. I was already creating moon "mood guides" for my Dark Days Moon Patties Instagram page, so I had some drawing to do anyway.
The idea hit me then: Each week I would pull a card, interpret it in line with lunar insights and my own visions, and produce my own illustrated Tarot Deck, one illustration after another.
Kickstarter Kickoff
I began to share the cards with my audience. I sold my chocolate equipment and managed to get my business back in the black. My community began to urge me to launch the Kickstarter campaign I’d been planning, so I did, and it was a wonderful success thanks to connections I’d made while building my chocolate business.
My employment in food service put me in contact with ripe creative minds galore. I befriended a lyrical and sophisticated young writer & magical mind, Emily Mundy, whose elegant and probing prose became the contents of the chic little guidebook that currently accompanies the Dark Days Tarot deck.
Another powerful connection was made by my friend Colleen Twombly-Borst, who put me in touch with Beth of the famous Tarot blog and shop, Little Red Tarot. Beth invited me to run an article about my campaign, which helped enormously in getting it funded.
Present Day
This company has become an essential part of my life and partnership. I am so grateful for my readers and those who work with the Dark Days Tarot Deck. It's such an honor and blessing to be so connected to your magic.
I still have some Tarot decks in stock, so be sure to snag yours while they’re in. Sign up at the bottom of this page for Tarot tips and tricks.
In gratitude,

Purchase a Dark Days Tarot deck here, and subscribe below for updates!