Excerpt from Dark Days Tarot Guidebook by Emily Mundy:
Six of Wands
People are compelled to praise you when your efforts radiate through you in self-esteem and apparent confidence. So, when others toss tokens of admiration at you, gather them! Strike a head-high, shoulders-back, wild-eyed pose and revel in the awe you arouse in those around you. The Six of Wands encourages you to receive these compliments with grace, to let them fortify your drive and reinforce your sureness to succeed. The poise you keep in procuring praise makes you all the worthier of it. You may be stifling your own victory if this card is to the left. The card reversed urges that you observe the largess of your ego and be careful not to ruffle your own feathers too often.
Suggested prompts:
upright: compliments; confidence; success
right: the increasing of upright qualities
left: the tending toward reversed qualities
reversed: narcissism; self-regard