Excerpt from Dark Days Tarot Guidebook by Emily Mundy:
Six of Cups
The Six of Cups communicates reminiscing, missing, and listing experiences past. The women in the jars churn around and around their memories (as memory itself is an endless loop), but cannot escape or lead from the past as they no longer exist in the present. Though recollection and memory can be a safe indulgence, living there means you are never quite fully submerged in the now. This is a card of honesty and self-healing when facing upright or right, and of being trapped in the past if left or upside-down. Regard your memory a precious gem that needs polishing every now and then. There are flowers at bloom. Pull your eyes from inside the self-reflecting jars and enjoy them.
Suggested prompts:
upright: healing through recollection or remembering
right: energy gained from past accomplishments
left: loop of boredom and mundane routine
reversed: trapped in the past and ignoring present pleasantries