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Eight of Wands - Minor Arcana Card

Excerpt from Dark Days Tarot Guidebook by Emily Mundy:

Eight of Wands

This card is akin to a flight of arrows. The Eight of Wands signifies a heap of creative potential and multiple metaphorical green lights ahead. It is time to seize initiative and impulse – creatively, personally, romantically. Move along and forward, the urges you feel are good ones. Tilted right, this card indicates a time of expansion and action; to the left, a time to blow a wild array of wishes into the wind and witness where they are carried. Reversed, the querent should watch their energy levels to make sure vitality and creative impulse are not being wasted.

Suggested prompts:

upright: initial impulse; creative expulsion

right: action; initiative

left: release; wild card

reversed: revered vitality; creative caution

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