Excerpt from Dark Days Tarot Guidebook by Emily Mundy:
Seven of Pentacles
This card signifies income, personal gain, and positive return coming from areas of your life in which you have labored. The bounty of your harvest has justly grown because of the love and energy you’ve put into this metaphorical tilling. Recognize that such fruits have been grown with earnest care. This card is facing you? What a fine time for business endeavors and investments. If facing right, start brainstorming. If left, be cautious of fumbling with assets. In reverse, this card highlights the lack of return on investment and financial difficulties you might be experiencing. Money and material matters will ever be in flux. Take both gain and loss in equal appreciation and you’ll always break even.
Suggested prompts:
upright: positive gain; profit
right: ideas; furthering investments
left: slow return on investments; stagnant professional life
reversed: difficulty with business; misuse of money