A full moon in Capricorn is an excellent moon for creating intentions around career, work, finances, resource management and money. Hopefully, you're sleeping under the stars tonight, cuddled up with long term plans and high hopes for your future, no matter your phase of life.
Career is one of the most popular subjects brought to the Tarot table. To survive and thrive are great missions in a human life, so this makes perfect sense. Happiness and work are connected, for in order to feel legitimate and whole, we seek important work that feeds the survival of ourselves and communities. We are all one and connected.

Come from a place of truth for great reading. Be clear with the Universe about how you want your success to show up for you. Clarity offers you a smoother way forward. A tarot reading can offer you clarifying insight into your career when you're feeling stuck or at a crossroads. This full moon, grab your Dark Days Tarot deck or another deck, choose a spread for your reading, then remember these three keys to reading tarot for financial health:
1. Question the deck. Clearly defining your question creates another clearing for an answer. This is the point in a reading where bravery comes into play. It has been said that 'empty mouths don't get fed.' So, be sure you know how to open your mouth and ask a bold question.
Do you want to know how to afford a trip, find a new job, retire with grace, donate with intention, turn a side gig into a full-time hustle, pay for a baby, or afford health care? Get clear on where you're unclear, then verbally ask your cards your question before or during shuffling.
2. Prepare for the worst. Finances are a heavy subject. After your question has been clarified and verbally called out, shuffle the cards and notice what comes up. Part of the wonder of Tarot cards is their ability to trigger tender areas in our personality. Your fears may well up as you anticipate the cards you'll pull and turn. Noticing these fears ahead of time can soften the blow of a triggering pull.
Take stock of these fears as they come up. These will come in handy. You might even write them down as references for yourself. Prepare for how you will feel if you turn less-than positive cards. Finances, happiness, survival and contribution are all connected, so do not beat yourself up about any pre-reading heaviness you notice.
3. Remember that this is play. While Tarot can feel quite serious at times, it's important to remember the cards' source of power: You. Why not play with futures and meanings you've not yet imagined? Inspiration is the name of this game. Be inspired by your mistakes and misgivings. Super positive readings are usually super boring.
If a card feels "negative," notice what part of your past you've projected into your future. There is almost always a story involved that we've conjured and kept since childhood. This often feels like an emotional ache or sinking feeling. It's an anchor to your past that has emotional roots.

As you gaze at the cards, let the "old you" that's still rooted to that feeling, come out to play for a thought or two. That you may need some tending to, and perhaps a bit of a pep talk.
For example, "old me" still believes that I'll never make money as an independent artist, because at some point that's what I was told. I chose to become an artist anyhow, and somewhere along the line decided that I'd never make money because of that choice.
That funny story, that is nowhere rooted in truth, continues to come up for me in career-focused readings. Little Wren needs to be told her work is worth money, even after finding some success.
Now that my first run of Tarot decks is available to my community, I have the opportunity to take a look at where my product may lack integrity. This allows me to constantly evolve as a business person and artist. I've found the criticism of my work just as much as the compliments. Criticism allows me to grow at a far greater rate than a load of compliments do.
Have a glorious full moon in Capricorn. May you find peace and inspiration in tonight's bright light.