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A Deeper Dive Into the King of Swords

The King of Swords demands that you focus. He is staring at you from the Cosmos, eye sharp as a blade, cutting your distraction at the core. What can you slough off, leave behind, or hide away so you can do what you intend to do? How can you communicate these needs to the people in your life? This king wills you to do it already. Time may not exist, but it is always of the essence.

Focus is a skill, sharpened over time by force of will. Life is a grand and distracting adventure in even the most secluded or boring environments. This is because our minds are always operating like our continuously beating heart.

Blades are forged in fire for the purpose and intent of destruction. Destruction is necessary when you’re overwhelmed or distracted from your creative forces. Whether you’re off to battle the patriarchy or chopping garlic for a meal, this King sharpens your ability to splice and dice. Streamline now, finding the courage of your conviction. Prioritize your highest contribution to yourself and the world.

This king may also represent an actual person, offering cutting remarks that ring all too true. Try to listen without being attached. Sometimes the truth stings.

I'm delving deeper into each card over the course of the next year. Learn more tarot cards and their meanings. Discover another swords card, here.

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